24.05 - Day 130 - New York

Friday 24th May - New York (Day 130)

It’s another warm day today - this morning’s early cycle involves the subway one stop to Roosevelt Island, a small slither between Manhattan and Queens. Didn’t know what to expect as I cycled around but there is a small community here, occasional dog walkers. At the south end a picturesque ivy covered abandoned former smallpox hospital, empty since its last use as a nurse training facility in the 1970’s. 

At the northern end after 10 minutes cycling a memorial garden for Nellie Bly, an investigative journalist in the 1880’s - striking bronze statues of her face at different angles and reflective mirrored steel balls. 

Back at our Wingate Hotel to discover Sienna is unwell - cold like symptoms, although likely COVID. She rests while Seb does school work after Seb, Kate and I have taken advantage of the buffet breakfast. 

Sienna is willing to venture out so we jump on the F train down through Manhattan and out in Brooklyn. We amble around the gentrified DUMBO district and jump on Jane’s Carousel from the early 1900’s - the simple pleasure of slowly spinning around whilst those horses rise and fall. Some snacks on the grass under the famous Brooklyn Bridge. 

Whilst waiting for our food at Falafel Heights, Sienna shrinks down and her day is done. So after some very tasty chicken shawrma and shish kebab sandwiches and falafels from the long serving husband and wife team, I take Sienna back to the hotel on the subway. 

Meanwhile Kate and Seb follow through on our original plan of crossing over Brooklyn Bridge albeit on bike not walking (it’s too hot for that), Seb balanced on the rear wheel covering. Another cyclist suggests Seb should perch in the basket at the front which they gamely try, but Seb’s 25kgs+ makes the handlebars far too unsteady, so they revert to him on the back, legs splayed to the side. 

Back in the hotel room the kids “rest” with the iPad. We had reserved four spots to the weekly free entry 5-7pm on Fridays at the Morgan Museum and Library, but Sienna needs to rest and without Sienna, Seb’s interest, which would have been questionable at best, also stays back with Kate. 

There’s a mix of modem atrium and galleries attached to the earlier stone library built for J.P.Morgan Junior, houses a large collection of rare books, some on display in glass boxes like a 15th Century Gutenberg bible but most in caged bookshelves rising three flights high in a soaring ceiling room. Not bringing Seb was the right call. Though these flashes back to my childhood with an exhibition on Beatrix Potter, many 1st editions and even original letters where the characters were first written down. Meanwhile Kate and the kids have popped to Wendy’s for burgers and icecreams, so everyone finishes the day happy.