05.06 - Day 142 - Harpers Ferry, WV

Wednesday 5th June - Harpers Ferry, West Virginia (Day 142)

We’d been told of a walk for views over Harpers Ferry but it didn’t seem kid friendly so I set an alarm for 5am, rolling out of bed and driving down to the town 3 minutes away. 

Although sunrise isn’t till 5:30 am it’s still light as I re-cross the footbridge from last night and start the Maryland Heights lookout trail which is steeply uphill for 30 minutes - definitely not child friendly - up through forest with occasional plaques explaining troop movements and cannon positions. The final 10 minutes are switchbacks downhill on a dusty narrow track where I stumble upon a few brightly coloured tortoises. 

The views from the rocky ledge nicely frame the small waterfront town in between the two converging rivers. I suddenly don’t feel and as I traipse downhill a few other walkers are schlepping up the hill - it’s steep enough that it takes as long to descend as ascend. 

A two hour round trip is good for my step count but I relapse back to bed leaving Kate to then take Sienna and Seb out to the library (our 12th library in the US so far) for school work and also a couple of short walks nearby trying to complete the Junior Ranger books. 

I re-emerge for lunch where a local cafe promises foot long hotdogs online, but underdelivers. Back at the hotel I return the favour taking the kids out so Kate can rest - we three head back to the National Park office to hand in the Junior Ranger booklet and earn their badge after reciting the Junior Ranger oath with ever enthusiastic rangers. 

We try again for a late afternoon walk and picnic but after walking a while past signs for former industry where the river water was extracted to power mills - all very interesting though we have to try and bring it to life for Sienna and Seb. Before we can eat, rain arrives and I’m left to run back to the car to ferry us back to the hotel for dinner followed by/ card games to round out the day as the now thunderstorm pounds down outside.