07.06 - Day 144 - Yorkshire to Annapolis

Friday 7th June - Yorkshire, Virginia to Annapolis, Maryland (Day 144)

Following the buffet breakfast and finishing school work for the week in the room, we checked out and drove 30 minutes to Frying Pan Farm. This free farm space run by Fairfoot County seems popular with mums and toddlers. 

There’s a carousel and tractor ride available; we jump on the latter for a slower-than-walking pace trip around the back of the few fields to spy the horses and pregnant cows - Jim the driver telling us of Meribelle’s superiority in the annual NASCOW race, but concerned for her chances of winning this year what with her being one of the pregnant ones. 

The farm is good, simple, honest, fun and everyone is happy to stroke a few sheep and goats, look at the peacocks. But the favourite was probably the 3-4 week old piglets in their stall, initially napping but then chasing around, falling over each other, slipping on the straw. 

We have a packed picnic lunch in the shade before getting back in the car for a two hour drive skirting around Washington DC and heading back to Dave and Lauren’s in Annapolis. As well as picking up some bits for dinner on the way through, we also spent an hour in the Annapolis library returning books from Monday and getting more out for the next couple of days. 

Dave and Lauren are both finishing a busy working week and at the same time prepping for a short trip to the UK next week but they still kindly welcome us back. Sienna and Seb are happy to have Charlotte and Olivia to play with, and in turn Charlotte has developed a soft spot for Sienna, keen to be involved in whatever the big girl is doing. 

The BBQ is fired up for burgers and chicken wings seasoned in local flavouring Old Bay. It’s nice again to be in the warm confines of a home and I think we’re all looking forward to being back in the UK, almost overlooking the week coming in Iceland. 

A couple more drinks after the kids have gone to bed and then it’s time to turn in.