22-24.08 - Days 220-222 - Buckingham

Thursday 22nd August - Buckingham (Day 220)

With Corinne and the girls here plus our 4 it’s a busy house and Lucy especially is enthusiastic about building an obstacle course in the garden using the slide and then various planks of wood and stools. 

Amidst all the races Angela the hairdresser arrives to cut mum’s, Corinne’s, dad’s, Kate’s and Sienna’s hair one after the other. Seb meanwhile goes under our clippers and stands in the bath upstairs.

Friday 23rd August - Buckingham (Day 221)

I venture out early on Friday morning to give both myself and Buddy and Ollie a walk around Maids Morten. 

Once the week's schoolwork is complete our 4 plus mum and dad head out to The Riverside Hub in Northampton, the kids devouring a burger and nuggets beforehand from McDonalds whilst the adults have homemade sandwiches instead. 

Inside the Hub, a large indoor play area the kids have a blast for 2.5 hours tearing around the 4 storey soft play climbing frame, playing football, ‘racing’ (slowly) on dodgems, playing crazy golf, motorbike arcade games and even a pair of climbing trees which Sienna nimbly scampers up. 

The only surprising thing is how long it takes them to fall asleep on the way home. 

Once home the kids were promised a movie and popcorn, we all sat and watched Ice Age, having watched Ice Age 2 earlier in the trip.

Saturday 24th August - Buckingham (Day 222)

Saturday (Day 222) is Corinne’s 40th Birthday and having opted for a lunch at Hilltop, the morning is spent preparing the balloons and the bunting. 

Corinne, Chris, Lucy, Lily and Sophie arrive for lunch and an afternoon of kids plat, the cousins all spending more quality time together which is a big feature / reason for the longer stay in the UK and it’s nice to see them bonding together. 

Seb needs exercise so I walk him down to catch the last 20 minutes of Buckingham FC vs Market Harborough in a cup game, running out 5-2 winners. Seb raises some chuckles from the 30 strong crowd undercover asking in his Aussie accent if this is the Premier League - which he’s just discovering, including Match of the Day.